Upcoming Programs
Upcoming Seminars & Workshops
Mental & Emotional Health Support Programs
The Nedley Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program focusses on the underlying and contributing causes of depression and anxiety - so that a lasting recovery can be made.
For full program details and contact information, please visit www.DepressionRecovery.ca.
After more than 20 years of research and clinical experience helping his patients, Dr. Neil Nedley developed this eight-week Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program designed to be shared in communities all around the globe. Since that time, this community-based program has helped thousands of documented participants from numerous countries around the world achieve improved mental health - with many having been able to completely eliminate depression and/or anxiety by following the proven principles of the program.
Free Information Sessions corresponding to the above listed program are provided on several days and at varying times to be as accommodating as possible to the residents of the region. (Please note that the same information session is shared at each of the following appointments.)
The general public is invited to attend any of the listed free information sessions. At these sessions attendees will be provided with more detailed information about depression and anxiety, how this 8-week program can support their recovery, and all pertinent program details regarding participation, registration, materials, location, schedule, and more.
The next running of the full 8-week Depression & Anxiety Recovery Program will take place in March - May 2025.
Here is the schedule of Free Information Sessions for this next program.
Check back soon for a list of locations and dates/times for the free information sessions.
If you would like to inquire about being a part of a future running of the Depression & Anxiety Recovery program, please send an email stating your desire to info@depressionrecovery.ca
For full program details and contact information, please visit www.DepressionRecovery.ca.
RECLAIM YOUR MENTAL HEALTH (Click for program details)
Throughout our country, hundreds of thousands of people are fighting tough battles in regard to their mental health. Statistically, one in five Canadians will experience some form of mental illness each year. This reality calls us all to action - for ourselves, our families, and the communities around us.
Good mental health and wellbeing is essential to living happier and healthier lives. Looking after our mental health isn't only something that should be done in moments of crisis, or after a tragedy or loss, but rather, each and every day. Keeping on top of our personal mental health is just as important as protecting our physical health.
If you struggle from mental health concerns, please know there is hope. It is possible to recover from numerous mental health problems, and many people do. The growing amount of research on the subject of mental health, as well as brain health and fitness, provide us with quite a number of things that we can do to be propertly caring for our brains and our mental health.
Join us at "RECLAIM Your Mental Health" to learn about ways you can support your mental health, and boost your physical health too!
This program is not currently scheduled to be offered again in 2025. However, please check back, as when new workshops are scheduled, the dates and locations will be listed here.
DISCLAIMER: The "RECLAIM Your Mental Health" event is a community health education opportunity that is offered as a free community service. Presenters and volunteers strive to always present true to supportive science, and seek to make experienced-based observations that can make a positive difference in the lives of participants that choose to apply the education received. However, program organizers and presenters in no way seek to replace personalized professional medical advice or psychological therapy. We recommend that participants always maintain close contact with their health care providers and professionals, and consult with them prior to commencing any new personal health practices.
"MINDFIT" MENTAL HEALTH SERIES (Click for program details)
Millions throughout North America are struggling with their mental health. In fact, over 20% of Canadians and Americans experience some form of mental illness in any given year. What’s causing this epidemic—and more importantly, what can be done to help fight it?
Join Alex Rodriguez for MindFit as he seeks to shed light on our current mental health crisis. The problems run deep . . . but there is REAL hope, for both those who are struggling and those who love them.
The four (4) sessions of the MindFit Mental Health Series will each contain a media presentations followed by interactive discussion opportunity on the topic content of the day. These sessions are typically shared on four consecutive evenings.
Here are the details on the four sessions.
Session 1 - “Beyond the Asylum”
The creepy asylum haunts our imagination, casting a long shadow over mental illness and those who suffer from it. So what happens if we turn on the lights?
Session 2 - “The Prowling Lion”
Anxiety, Depression, Trauma. They wreak havoc on the mind, and millions battle them every single day. We take an inside look at people’s fight to survive — and thrive!
Session 3 - “Not Your Grandpa’s Electroshock Therapy”
Mental health treatments have some truly hair-raising histories. Learn how crude past practices evolved into today’s robust and exciting cutting-edge treatments.
Session 4 - “Binding Up The Brokenhearted”
More and more people are successfully combining biblical principles with clinical therapies. Could there be a vital link between spirituality and mental health?
This program is not currently scheduled to be offered again in 2024. However, please check back, as when new workshops are scheduled, the dates and locations will be listed here.
Alternatively, if you have any questions about this program, or would like to be notified when it is offered again, please write to registration@healthseminars.ca.
MindFit is co-presented by Alex Rodriguez, the docu-series host. Alex has had a successful career as a health educator, firefighter, minister, and police officer.
Drawing on his professional background, Alex Rodriguez’s compelling documentary-style presentations combine on-location footage, expert interviews, first-person stories, and historical and scientific research. There’s lots to explore, and he’d love to share what he’s learned with you!
Following each documentary presentation, a local moderator, will lead an interactive discussion on the session’s topic, where participants can engage with the subject content they have heard, ask questions, and complete the nightly session worksheet.
It’s not “all in your head.” Mental illness is a harsh everyday reality for millions of people. Many know someone affected, but few understand what their friends and neighbors are really experiencing. Or know how to help.
Join Alex Rodriguez on a journey to better understand the challenges so many face today. Along the way, you’ll meet men and women who have grappled with depression, anxiety, and other common mental conditions—and the skilled practitioners whose methods are helping them find encouraging breakthroughs.
Their stories will educate, inspire, and provide hope to those struggling as well as to those who love them.
NOTE: This program is not currently scheduled to be offered again in 2025. However, please check back, as when new workshops are scheduled, the dates and locations will be listed here.
Alternatively, if you have any questions about this program, or would like to be notified when it is offered again, please write to registration@healthseminars.ca.
DISCLAIMER: The MINDFIT Mental Health Series is a community health education opportunity that is offered as a free community service. Presenters and volunteers strive to always present true to supportive science, and seek to make experienced-based observations that can make a positive difference in the lives of participants that choose to apply the education received. However, program organizers and presenters in no way seek to replace personalized professional medical advice or therapy. We recommend that participants always maintain close contact with their health care providers and professionals, and consult with them prior to commencing any new personal health practices.
FORGIVE TO LIVE (Click for program details)
Your Life. Unshackled.
Holding on to anger is like swallowing a poison pill… and hoping the other person dies. It is a deadly dilemma, but there is a solution.
FORGIVE TO LIVE can help you start a better journey.
Everyone has a story about unfair, unjust and painful treatment. Now you can learn how forgiveness can rewrite your story and save your life!
Everyone has a story to tell. Some stories inspire and encourage, while other stories are hurtful, leaving deep wounds on the heart, mind and body. Almost everyone has been told that forgiveness is important, however, most of us have never been shown how to forgive.
In this 6-part small group community workshop, you will learn that forgiveness can literally save your life. Ground-breaking research by Dr. Dick Tibbits has revealed that the failure or the inability to forgive creates an inner anger that disturbs our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being and can actually lead to an array of ailments - depression, stress, heart disease, and broken relationships.
But, you can take steps right now to be free… REALLY FREE!
We welcome you to join the FORGIVE TO LIVE workshop!
What content does this workshop cover?
The FORGIVE TO LIVE workshop will consider the following questions, and more:
- How Expensive is a Grievance Story?
- Have you been your own worst enemy?
- It is really possible to reframe the past?
- You said your life is whose fault?
- How can I make anger work for me?
- It is chance or choice that determines my future?
- Does the past really exist?
What have others said?
“I loved the course and the great peace of mind too!” - Trina
“I found healing and gained great peace and strength.” - Sandra
We look forward to helping you FORGIVE TO LIVE!
Where and When?
This program is not currently scheduled to be offered in 2025. However, please check back, as when new workshops are scheduled, the dates and locations will be listed here.
Alternatively, if you have any questions about this program, or would like to be notified when it is offered again, please write to registration@healthseminars.ca.
DISCLAIMER: The “Forgive to Live” Workshop is a community health-education opportunity that is offered as a community service event. Presenters strive to always present true to supportive science, and seek to make experienced-based observations that can make a positive difference in the lives of participants that choose to apply the education received. However, program organizers and presenters in no way seek to replace personalized professional medical advice or therapy. We recommend that participants always maintain close contact with their health care providers, therapists and other professionals.
Wholistic Health & Wellness Events
CREATION HEALTH WORKSHOP SERIES (Click for program details)
Are you looking to achieve optimal health? Are you interested in learning to prevent, stop or even reverse lifestyle diseases? At this time, especially during these times of challenging public health, it’s time to start a journey to be CREATION healthy!
What Is CREATION Health?
The CREATION Health workshop is an exciting wholistic wellness plan for changing your life!
By rightly applying these timeless principles for health and wellness, men and women, young and old, can achieve improved mental, physical, spiritual and emotional well being, and can live healthier and happier lives.
Around the world today, people just like you are making a few simple changes in their lives and living life to the fullest. They are not only getting healthier, but are staying healthy and able to do the things they love well into their later years.
8 Principles of Wellness
The CREATION Health lifestyle has a long, proven history of wellness and longevity around the world. It encompasses the whole person - mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually with eight universal principles of health. Each letter of the word CREATION stands for one of these eight principles drawn from the classic Genesis story:
- Choice
- Rest
- Environment
- Activity
- Trust
- Interpersonal relationships
- Outlook
- Nutrition.
These eight essential components meld together to form the blueprint for health we yearn for and the life we are intended to live. Some of the concepts presented in the CREATION Health acronym will seem like common sense because they are exactly that. Other concepts you may not have been as familiar with but will learn through the evidence of science.
Join us at CREATION Health to begin, or continue, your personal health journey!
This program is not currently scheduled to be offered in 2025. However, please check back, as when new workshops are scheduled, the dates and locations will be listed here.
Alternatively, if you have any questions about this program, or would like to be notified when it is offered again, please write to registration@healthseminars.ca.
DISCLAIMER: The CREATION Health is a community health education opportunity that is offered as a free community service. Presenters and volunteers strive to always present true to supportive science, and seek to make experienced-based observations that can make a positive difference in the lives of participants that choose to apply the education received. However, program organizers and presenters in no way seek to replace personalized professional medical advice or therapy. We recommend that participants always maintain close contact with their health care providers and professionals, and consult with them prior to commencing any new personal health practices.
RECLAIM YOUR HEALTH - HEALTH & WELLNESS EXPO (Click for program details)
This program is not currently scheduled to be offered again in 2023. However, please check back, as when new workshops are scheduled, the dates and locations will be listed here.
The last few years have led to a new bleak reality among a great number of people in our population - too many people are neglecting their physical health and mental well-being. As a result, many lifestyle diseases are becoming dominating factors in these people’s lives. Health issues and concerns such as cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and depression & anxiety, among many other things, are burdening the lives of men and women, and stealing away they joy they should have sharing life with family and friends.
Yet, not all hope is lost because of these alarming facts. The good news is that there are numerous positive health principles, accessible to everyone, that can support the maintenance of good health and longevity without chronic debilitating diseases. Over the years, many studies have shown that by practicing these essential health principles, the risk of certain chronic diseases and negative health outcomes can be be reduced.
How can we learn these health principles, you ask?
You have come to the right place.
Welcome to “Reclaim Your Health”, a Health and Wellness Expo sharing the principles of NEWSTART - the eight “laws” of health and wellness!
One of the ongoing tragedies of the 21st century is that the number of people dying prematurely continues to grow. An even more tragic fact is that many of those people would still be alive, were they only given access to knowledge about how to lead healthier lives. Health Expos have been created as a way to bring that knowledge to as many people as possible.
Based on scientifically-proven health principles, our Health Expo is an interactive health and wellness educational event designed as a community service to provide basic health education to residents in the community being served.
The Health Expo consists of a variety of health booths and exhibits that educate on numerous aspects of health, wellness, fitness and lifestyle improvements. At these booths, a participant can expect to receive basic health education on aspects of living a healthy lifestyle, sample wholesome plant-based food, take simple health assessments and evaluations, and receive encouragement and counsel regarding making lifestyle changes for positive health outcomes.
The Health Expo model to be shared at “Reclaim Your Health”, simple as it might be, has been successfully used around the world with population groups of more than 40 languages. People from all walks of life have benefited from the various screening procedures and quality health information on each of the topics presented during the events.
This Health & Wellness Expo will combine an interactive experience of health education at the 8-12 booths, or health stations, along with instructional education through presentations made by an experienced Health Professional and Educator.
This program is not currently scheduled to be offered in 2025. However, please check back, as when new workshops are scheduled, the names of the presenter(s) will be listed here.
A qualified health professional will present nightly wholistic health presentations. At the time a program is scheduled the speaker(s) biographical sketch will be listed here.
Local Health Expo Coordinator and Volunteers will help to facilitate your journey through the Health Expo booths/health stations by assisting you with completing assessments, evaluations, and receiving the valuable information on wholistic wellness at the numerous health stations offered.
The “Reclaim Your Health” Health and Wellness Expo will provide participants with inspiring wellness talks, expert advice, health topic handouts, plant-based recipes and food samples, as well as blood sugar screening, computerized health age evaluation, and maybe even a free relaxing chair massage.
Participants will learn how to make better choices based on increased knowledge, skills, and encouragement. The program is designed to empower participants with the information they need to optimize powerful lifestyle strategies to reclaim their health.
Not struggling with any lifestyle diseases or current health challenges? No problem! Come and learn the principles that have been shown to help to prevent diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cancer, autoimmune disease, and many other lifestyle-related health conditions.
This program is not currently scheduled to be offered in 2025. However, please check back, as when new workshops are scheduled, the dates and locations, as well as pre-registration methods will be listed here.
Welcome to “Reclaim Your Health”, a Health and Wellness Expo sharing the principles of NEWSTART - the eight “laws” of health and wellness! It’s your life and health. Reclaim it!
DISCLAIMER: The “Reclaim Your Health” Health & Wellness Expo is a community health education opportunity that is offered as a free community service. Presenters and volunteers strive to always present true to supportive science, and seek to make experienced-based observations that can make a positive difference in the lives of participants that choose to apply the education received. However, program organizers and presenters in no way seek to replace personalized professional medical advice or therapy. We recommend that participants always maintain close contact with their health care providers and professionals, and consult with them prior to commencing any new personal health practices.
Smoking Cessation & Overcoming Addictions Workshops
BREATHE FREE (Click for program details)
Helping You Become Tobacco Free
This program is not currently scheduled to be offered in 2025. However, please check back, or contact us for more information as when new workshops are scheduled.
This stop-smoking program has helped thousands of people, over many years, and all around the world, to be free from smoking, using tobacco, and other addictive behaviours as well.
Now, YOU can be FREE as well!
You can do it! It will take work, but you can do it!
Everyone has their reasons for quitting smoking and/or tobacco use. Some people want to be healthier. Others want to save money. Some others do it for a new baby in their family. Here are some detailed reasons others have chosen to quit.
Health Reasons
Decrease the risks of stroke, cataracts, cancer, heart attacks and more.
Lower blood pressure
Breathe more easily and cough less
Look and smell better, with unstained teeth and fingernails
Lifestyle Reasons
More money to spend
Food tastes much better
The world smells better - you, your clothes, your home
Increased social connections with friends and family who don’t smoke
Personal Reasons
Your children will be proud of you - the strength that it takes to quit will make you a super hero in their eyes!
Your friends, family and co-workers will be proud of you
Your energy levels will increase
You will be back in control of your life, and free from the habit
You do have many reasons to quit too. What are your reasons?
Every day you need to remind yourself of these reasons. They become your “why”, or your inspiration and motivation to stop smoking for good. Yet, no matter why you choose to quit, you will be overjoyed in the ways that your life will improve when you can BREATHE FREE.
YES! You can do it!
What’s the Next Step?
We welcome you to join an upcoming BREATHE FREE class in your area!
Supporting a Family Member or Friend?
Do you have a friend or family member that you want to help to quit smoking or using tobacco?
You can help someone quit!
Research has clearly shown that having support is beneficial when overcoming addictions and breaking unhealthy habits. As a family member or friend, you can be that support for your loved one.
Why not tell your family member or friend about BREATHE FREE?
Tell them to visit this website to learn more about this workshop!
Who will be facilitating and presenting during this workshop?
During each session, a local host and facilitator, will help participants check in, and will support each one on their personal journey to becoming tobacco free. That facilitator will be available to answer any questions you may have about participation, and will give you the encouragement you need to make the decision to BREATHE FREE!
What is the schedule of this workshop?
This workshop is shared during 7 sessions in a two week period.
Check back here in the future for details of upcoming workshops.
Is there any cost to attend this workshop?
Typically, there is a small fee of $20.00 to participate in this program. Payment will be accepted by cash at the workshop, or debit or credit card in advance of the program starting.
Pre-Registration is requested. It would be most helpful to our workshop coordinator and other volunteers if all individuals planning to attend this workshop would register in advance.
We look forward to helping you to BREATHE FREE!
Where and When?
This program is not currently scheduled to be offered in 2025. However, please check back, as when new workshops are scheduled, the dates and locations will be listed here.
Alternatively, if you have any questions about this program, or would like to be notified when it is offered again, please write to registration@healthseminars.ca.
DISCLAIMER: The “Breathe Free” Smoke Smoking Workshop is a community health education opportunity that is offered as a community service event. Presenters strive to always present true to supportive science, and seek to make experienced-based observations that can make a positive difference in the lives of participants that choose to apply the education received. However, program organizers and presenters in no way seek to replace personalized professional medical advice or therapy. We recommend that participants always maintain close contact with their health care providers and professionals, and consult with them prior to commencing any new personal health practices.
Healthy Lifestyle & Disease Reversal Seminars
DIABETES UNDONE (Click for program details)
A diabetes epidemic is plaguing our world. Millions of people have diabetes or prediabetes all over the globe. These conditions significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular diseas and other complications. Many people think that this disease is a chronic, incurable disease, and that diabetics must surrender to the idea that they will struggle with the disease for the rest of their lives. But, what would happen if the underlying causes were addressed, and not the symptoms only?
The typical standard of care for type-2 diabetes today is blood sugar management by using medication and by reducing sugar intake as much as possible. However, for most type-2 diabetics, it's not production of insulin that's a problem or even sugar for that matter - it's insulin resistance, a condition where insulin in your body becomes increasingly less effective as time goes on.
The good news is that insulin resistance CAN be reversed! It has been scientifically proven that you can experience dramatic health improvement, freedom from many medications, and even disease reversal itself - all by adhering to a healthy lifestyle.
This practical workshop explains how and why a person becomes insulin resistant and how to reverse this condition using simple, basic, lifestyle choices. Understanding the power in your lifestyle is the crucial first step in reversing your type-2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. You can begin to reverse diabetes, right now, immediately - all without outrageous costs, without drugs, and without surgery. At the end of the day, the power to prevent and reverse your disease lies right in your hands.
Welcome to Diabetes Undone! Welcome to hope and the start of your new health story!
Dr. Wes Youngberg, DrPH, has been working with diabetics for over twenty-five years. He has found that, by addressing the cause of illness rather than just treating the symptoms, type 2 diabetics can experience dramatic health improvements, avoid complications, and possibly even reverse the condition. Dr. Youngberg is the author of Goodbye Diabetes, and serves as an assistant clinical professor, and he will lead out in the main instructional portions of this program.
Brenda Davis, RD, is a world-renown author, and plant-based dietician. She will contribute meaningfully in the areas of the program focussed on healthy eating and cooking.
Local Volunteer Coordinator and Health Partners will help to facilitate your journey in this seminar by connecting with you and helping the seminar to be understandable and practical, and your participation enjoyable and successful.
Make sense of the confusion surrounding diabetes treatment.
The diabetes-fitness connection, and how to gear your exercises regimen to fight diabetes.
The diabetes-food connection, and how you can optimize your meals to nourish, not damage, your body.
The diabetes-mind connection, and how your health involves more than just what you eat and do.
The Diabetes Undone workshop provides participants with inspiring wellness talks, expert advice, a participant's workbook and journal, a plant-based cookbook, group support, cooking demos, and informational visual media presentations access. Participants learn how to form new habits and make better choices based on increased knowledge, skills, and encouragement. The program is designed to empower participants to optimize powerful lifestyle strategies to reclaim their health.
Not a type-2 diabetic or prediabetic? No problem! The same strategies that are taught to fight diabetes also combat heart disease, obesity, cancer, autoimmune disease, and many other lifestyle-related health conditions.
This program is not currently scheduled to be offered in 2025. However, please check back, as when new workshops are scheduled, the dates and locations will be listed here.
Alternatively, if you have any questions about this program, or would like to be notified when it is offered again, please write to registration@healthseminars.ca.
Nutrition & Plant-based Eating Workshops
PLANT-BASED COOKING CLASSES (Click for program details)
(Not Currently Scheduled for 2024)
Check back regularly for any updates on workshops in this category.
Spiritual Health Supports
DISCOVER BIBLE SCHOOL (Click for program details)
The Discover Bible School offers multiple fully-online courses of study for people of all ages and levels of familiarity with the Bible. The goal of these courses is to provide resources for strong spiritual health and lasting hope in the lives of those who read them.
Courses Include:
Discover Bible Guides - These Bible study guides are simple, easy to use, & answer many of life's challenging questions.
Native New Day Lessons - These guides are a journey through the Bible's main themes from a First Nations perspective.
KIDZone Lessons - These Bible guides will help curious young people find answers to their honest-hearted questions.
Focus on Prophecy - Bible prophecy comes alive with the help of these easy-to-follow Bible study lessons.
Light of the World - A course based on the eyewitness accounts of Jesus's life from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
To access these free, online resources please click the link below corresponding to the nearest location to your residence:
Breton Falun Maskwacis Millet Pigeon Lake Area Thorsby Warburg Wetaskiwin
If you live in any other area in Alberta, please click here to email your request.